Finally New Goals creates human brands for players, coaches and movers & shakers in professional football. We use contemporary storytelling to increase emotional capital, the new currency needed to establish a unique and successful position for yourself.

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For Coaches


Modern Leadership

There is a growing interest in football coaches. They are makers and mentors and take on an increasingly significant role of modern leadership.

To strengthen this leadership position in the general public, Finally New Goals develops a sound strategy and creates a contemporary human brand together with the coach. The goal is to turn coaches into game changers outside the stadium – unique, with a high recognition value and relevant for sponsors, media outlets, brands, clubs, fans, lifestyle and their own careers.

The human brands developed by us are entirely based on personality. Unique and inspiring brand stories are created using individual profiling, together with knowledge about zeitgeist, trends, current developments in the field of leadership and new requirements.

We increase the emotional capital, the new currency to establish a unique and successful position for yourself, and do so in a sustainable way. Together we create relevance that not only strengthens the current position but also opens up new markets and career opportunities.

We create tailor-made digital strategies to communicate personal brand stories, develop creative measures and utilize close contacts to sports and lifestyle media.